Tuesday 22 November 2016

Neighbourhood Plan Update

Many thanks to all the Nocton and Potterhanworth residents and others who took the trouble to comment on our Neighbourhood Plan during the six week formal public consultation. All of the comments received were analysed by the Steering Group and this has resulted in a number of changes being made to the Plan. Although not significantly affecting the basis of the policies, the Steering Group hopes that these changes have improved and strengthened the final version.

The amended Plan has now been submitted to NKDC prior to it being passed to an Independent Planning Inspector for review. It is hope that this part of the process will be concluded during the New Year with the public referendum being held in early Spring 2017.

The final version of the Plan is available to view at:


Further information will be made available once we have received the comments from the Planning Inspector.

Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Chair of Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Thursday 15 September 2016

Following North Kesteven District Council's recent decision that the Neighbourhood Plan does not require a full Strategic Environmental Assessment, we are now in a position to begin the formal six-week public consultation. This will begin on 19th September and conclude on 30th October, 2016.

A copy of the full Plan can be viewed at:


Each household in Nocton and Potterhanworth will shortly be receiving a letter explaining more about the consultation process and the different ways in which comments can be made. The letter will include a Consultation Response Form which can be used to submit comments. Copies of the letter and response form can be found and downloaded from either of the Parish Council's websites.


If you would like to find out more about our Neighbourhood Plan before making your comments, then you may also wish to attend one of the following consultation events where someone will be on hand to answer any questions you may have (all events are open to residents of both villages):
Nocton Village Hall                Saturday, 1st October from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 noon
Potterhanworth Pavilion         Saturday, 8th October from 10.00 a.m. until 12.00 noon
Nocton Parish Church             Friday, 21st October from 2.00 p.m. until 4.00 p.m.
Potterhanworth Pavilion         Wednesday, 26th October from 7.00 p.m. until 8.30 p.m.

In addition to consulting with residents, we are also seeking the views of a wide range of businesses, land owners, agencies and other local groups and organisations who have a close association or relationship with the villages.

At the conclusion of the consultation period, we will analyse all of the comments received and make any necessary changes to the Plan before sending it to NKDC for the next stage of the process. This will involve an independent inspection by a Planning Professional prior to the local referendum.

Ian Goldsworthy
Chair of Nocton Parish Council

Wednesday 3 August 2016

After submitting the Plan to NKDC for its Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), a number of helpful amendments were suggested to improve its content and the effectiveness, etc of the proposed polices, particularly that for the future of the Nocton Hall/former RAF Hospital sites (Policy 3).

These have now been incorporated into the Plan and a revised final version re-submitted. The Plan can be viewed at http://parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/Nocton/

Once the SEA has been completed, the next stage of the process will be to carry out the formal six week public consultation. It is now hoped that this will begin in the Autumn.

Monday 20 June 2016

A copy of the latest version of the Neighbourhood Plan which has recently been sent to North Kesteven District Council for its Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) can now be viewed at:


It is important to note that this is not the final version for formal public consultation as this process cannot begin until we have received the "go ahead" from NKDC.  However, it is appreciated that residents of Nocton and Potterhanworth and others may appreciate an early sight of the Plan - it is hoped that there will not be too many changes required after the SEA!

Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group

Friday 3 June 2016

Just a quick update on the progress of our Neighbourhood Plan. Our draft Plan has now been reviewed by an "independent" Planning professional who has made a number of suggestions to help us improve the content and effectiveness of the proposed policies.  These comments have now been reviewed by the Steering Group and a "final" draft Plan prepared. This will shortly be submitted to North Kesteven District Council who will carry out a formal assessment of the proposed Plan to check that it does not have a strategic impact on the local environment. We would be very surprised if it did but this is part of the planning process!

Once we have the "green light" from NKDC - expected by the end of the month/early July - the Plan will then go to a formal six week consultation with local residents, businesses and land owners. There will, therefore, be plenty of time for everyone to have their say and make sure that the "final" Plan reflects the local community's views.

Once any comments have been incorporated into the draft, it will be reviewed by a Planning Inspector who may or may not decide to make further changes. Only once that has been done will the Plan go to a local referendum to be voted on.

Once NKDC has finished its assessment, further information and publicity on the consultation arrangements and next steps will be made available both on this blog and through other local media, etc.

Councillor Ian Goldsworthy
Chair of the Steering Group

Monday 8 February 2016

A draft outline of the key policies, etc to be included in the Proposed Neighbourhood Plan was circulated to all households just before Christmas inviting comments. This was followed up by two public meetings (one in Nocton on 12th January and one in Potterhanworth on 18th January). Very few formal responses were, in fact, made by residents to this part of the initial consultation process and those which were submitted were generally very supportive of the approach being taken so far.
Hopefully, this can be taken to mean that the Plan is "on the right track”. More comments were made during the course of the two public meetings, notably in connection with the future of the Nocton Hall.
All comments made as part of the consultation process will be posted on this Blog in due course.
The next stage is to prepare a more detailed version of the Plan for further consultation and this is currently being drafted by the Steering Group.  Hopefully, it will be ready for further refinement, etc. by the two Community Groups in March.
Ian Goldsworthy - Chair of the Steering Group